
Showing posts from May, 2023

Refuse To Be Bothered

"So my counsel is: Don't worry about things_food, drinks and clothes. For you already have life and a body, and they are far more important than what to eat and wear.(Mathew 6:25) The Lord knows what the effects of worry are and dosen't want you perturbed over anything.When worry attacks your mind, don't think it's going to go away on it's own.Worry is spiritual, which is why you have to repel it with your shield of faith.With your "faith"  you protect and defend yourself against worry and then go on the offensive with the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God in your mouth concerning your situation. Having done that,(using your faith to change situations)The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will garrison your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. So, here you are,circumstances do not appear to be in order, and everything appears to be in dismay, yet, you are at peace! Others don't understand ,  because you acted on your faith and

Be Happy(Happiness:The Result of Joyfulness)

Often, when people aren't happy or excited about themselves or life, it's for one simple reason, they've ignored the Word of God. Your happiness as a Christian isn't dependent on your circumstances or situation. Happiness is one of the results of joyfulness, and joyfulness is a fruit of your recreated human spirit, nourished through the Word of God "Be happy in your faith and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually always"(1 Thessalonians 5:16)AMPC Your Joy is like fire, and when there's no fuel for fire, it burns out in the same way, those who ignore the word have their joy fleeting. if you ever find yourself disoriented, what you need is to stay on the Word. You will get your solutions and ideas from the Word of God. Your joy is your responsibility, you have to make yourself joyful continually, because your joyful spirit dictates everything about your life.if for any reason you're felling downcast or unhappy , get the word and fan the embers of your

Manifest God's Love(Let His Love Be Expressed Through You)

"Little children, let us not love (merely) in theory or speech but in deed and truth (in practice and sincerity)." 1 John 3:18   The proof that we know God's love is reflected in how we share it. Pause for a moment to think about this, Jesus was the manifestation of God's love, He was God's love in the flesh. To put it another way, He was the "body of love" .The gospels_ of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John show Him as the embodiment of love. Jesus didn't merely have love, he was love-made flesh! That's one of the most extraordinary truths ever revealed. Jesus is the perfect description of love. The expression of His love in and through you is a key indicator of spiritual growth. you're truly spiritually mature when the love of God is expressed more and more in your words, thoughts,  attitudes, and actions. Walking in love is the manifestation of the life and nature of Christ that are in your spirit. Praise God!

How Do You See? (Only Imagine Positive Outcomes)

"Now to him who can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,  according to his power that is at work within us"(Ephesians 3:20)      The Human spirit is very powerful, with tremendous, creative, and imaginative ability. Remember, man was created in the image of God, he looks like God and functions like God. That's why we say, "Your imaginative power is your creative ability."  Knowing this, therefore, you should only imagine positive outcomes. Refuse to worry about anything, worry helps you imagine the worst-case scenario, worry helps you imagine negative possibilities, and your imagination of those negative possibilities crystallises them. Worry helps make your fears possible. It's the reason God tells us not to worry or be anxious about anything (Philippians 4:6). Never imagine negative things, What you imagine is what becomes. Keep your mind on the Word and let it control your expectations.