Manifest God's Love(Let His Love Be Expressed Through You)

"Little children, let us not love (merely) in theory or speech but in deed and truth (in practice and sincerity)." 1 John 3:18
The proof that we know God's love is reflected in how we share it. Pause for a moment to think about this, Jesus was the manifestation of God's love, He was God's love in the flesh. To put it another way, He was the "body of love".The gospels_ of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John show Him as the embodiment of love. Jesus didn't merely have love, he was love-made flesh! That's one of the most extraordinary truths ever revealed. Jesus is the perfect description of love.

The expression of His love in and through you is a key indicator of spiritual growth. you're truly spiritually mature when the love of God is expressed more and more in your words, thoughts,  attitudes, and actions. Walking in love is the manifestation of the life and nature of Christ that are in your spirit. Praise God!


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